Tuesday, June 24, 2008

tuesday top 10

In case you just tuned in, I am a hypochondriac. Not in the glamorized, satirized, insert-verb-that-ends-in-ized-here way, but in the clinical sense. Yeah baby, this is serious. I am not messing around here. You name it, I've thought I had it. But all diseases were not created equal, at least not in my neurotic mind. Some conditions terrify me more than others. So, here they are. (cue drum roll, please!) The TOP 10 Most Feared Diseases:

10. Ovarian cancer.
9. Anaplastic thyroid cancer (but only the anaplastic variety, I hear the other forms have high cure rates...)
8. Pancreatic Cancer
7. Morgellons Disease
6. Lymphoma
5. Lou Gehrig's Disease
4. Merkel Cell Carcinoma
3. Late-stage lung cancer which has metastasized to every organ in my body - twice!
2. Colon cancer

And.... ready? Da-da-DA!
1. Inflammatory Breast Cancer with comorbid cancer of the colon, pancreas and lymphatic system.

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